Today was awesomeeeely awesome.
the best *ehem surprise ive ever had.
thank you,love.
you wanted to know what i felt didnt you?
well, i felt like a Princess.
A real, Princess.
just th way i want it.
i felt like i was on top of th world. everyone was just making my eighteenth birthday so worth it.
especially, you.
thank you so much love, for everything.
i dont know how to thank you.
Thank You(s) wont do just good. but, yea.
imma treat you right when your birthday comes alright!
hopefully by then i already have my license lah. :D
insyallah. (:
Grown Ups was like really bursting my happy nerves out!
never really had that extremely awesome great laugh since i dont know when.
thank you for putting that smile back on my face,and most importantly, my heart.
dinner at Breeks was superb.
ending was beyond than expected.
overall, Nur Atiqah is one happykid!
Happy Eighteen Birthdaaaaaaaay to Nur Atiqah!
i love you.
Post typed in by Nur Atiqah