A little doodle drawings with Syahirah ( Yang masi di PRCS tuu. hahahah!! skola bodo. )

That is my anak sedare. Took this last year I think. At the zoo. So cheeky the smile. haha..

Itu Pakcik MAK sama anak sedare BABY MAK. hahahaaa... Lasty, that's Kaisah Alya. I keep on forgetting her name. We always call her Alyaa. okae.) (P.S. Don't know why Baby MAK face like that.)

I is HAHA.
Mohd Ashraf Khan
Well, I gave her what she wanted for our supposed-to-be second month. That's a Ben&Jerry's Ice Cream. With a purple flower. Just 1 purple flower, a note and the ice cream. And she said, Thanks for the ice cream and the flower. Appreciate it. (: There is one other thing but not necessary for you guys to know. Just felt happy that she liked it. =) You're most welcome.
I said but before, and you asked but what. This is it. I hope we can really work things out and get together again. I do not know if you can make it possible. But I want you to think real hard about it.Cos I have not stop thinking about you. You are always running in my mind.
I have said to afew people that where ever I go, whatever I am doing, I am constantly thinking. About everything. Psycho?OrGenius?
Anyways, please la, to whoever it may concern, go fuck off and get ur cocks cut okae. Seriously you are just proving to yourself that you are a coward. Maybe more but definetly nothing less.
I watched The Hangover with best friend NurulHuda yesterdae. hahaha. Was daaaaaaaaaamn awesome. hahhha. Totally rockin! FYI, she helped a little with my gift. haha. A bestfriend that is hard to find.
Now, I am gonna study till i go school. Got test. 6 chapters to study. And im only at chapter 2. 2 down, 4 to go. Take care..
Now, here is a list of people who I have been told that I look like them. You choose, and tell me at the tagboard. If you want to sae I look like shit or wadever, go to the mirror.. Look at who is staring back at you. And think twice. Cos that damn mafucker is the shit ass looking biiiiittcchh..
Michael Jackson ( before turning white )
Chris Brown
Ludacris ( Short hair )
Saiful Apek
Craig David
Marlon Wayan
Mohd Ashraf Khan
The 7th option is just for fun. Think carefully and answer. =))
Mohd Ashraf Khan