Sunday, May 31, 2009
Well, yesterday was my ferst paper. I'm studying for tomorrow's paper. I just bought a game of Guitar Hero World Tour Full set. Yea yea its a little old but so whaaat... I played the drum career. Quite hard even with easy as the difficulty. I'm changing to a different boxing club. Vanda boxing club. Better then the club I previously joined.
I've made a new friend yesterdae. Very nice. Very sweet. She pretty too. Pretty short. ahahahhahahahahahah. No la. kidding only... She really pretty. Chatting with her soon enough. After she gets back from school? ahahahaha. school.
Well, all the best for my exams. Bubbye now.
Md Ashraf Khan
Monday, May 18, 2009
Lets keep it simple. Last thursdae, I had Sports & Wellness. And we played handball. I scored 3-5 goals? k bye.
Md Ashraf Khan
Friday, May 15, 2009
For the first time, I went boxing twice in a week. Tuesdae and Thursdae. Did some punches with Uncle Dic, then go for 5 sets of speed bags after Ive done my 5 rounds of 6 stations. And I did the same thing for Thursdae. And I watched the sparring match. It's like merepek you know. Jusr 2 rounds for only this 3 person. Then finish the whole sparring session. Whats up with that? ahaha. I was asked to spar but I didn't want to just yet.
Anyways... Do I make u people feel embarrased when I go out with u? Cos I dont see the problem why some people dont want to go out with me. Must I be in the standards before going out or something? That's bullshit. Full loads of motherfuckin bullshit. Take care.
Md Ashraf Khan
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Mothers Day to you ma.. ('=
Love you alot alot. =')

Md Ashraf Khan
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Fooh, for today..... I did the speed bag. And wow, I couldnt believe it either. The ferst time I joined, I just tried punching it. But missed alot. And this, the second time, was like a pro. I rarely missed. Did around 7 sets. Ferst 4 sets, just did 1 2 left and right hands. Keep switching. 5th set, did 25 on each hand. 6 set 50 on each hand. And the last set, I did 100. But kept switching hands. So considered 50 on each hand. Then, I did some shadow boxing, a little puches on the hand mits with coach. And ofcourse the ever tiring 5 sets of 6 stations after the 2-3km run. I'm tired now. Gotta sleep and wake up at 6.15am tmrw. Gotta reach school by 8. Chiowss......
Md Ashraf Khan Go getta.
The things I would do to get you back here on earth. =')
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Last Wednesday! went to my boxing school. Met 2 new coaches. 1 quite strict in boxing but he is fun. So, ofcourse run again for that 2-3km. But this time, felt like its too fast. I mean, the other time I ran, was slow. But this time, faster. Ok not bad. So, sweat like crazy. Then, I did left jabs. After that, work on right straights. Then did both left jab and right straights combo. I brought my own gloves there, and coach was shocked and asked where I got the gloves. So I said its mine. OUH! he shouted siakk.. ahaha. Terkejot skejap oi. Skejap jerr... Then I jumper kakak at Bugis. On the way there, had to walked pass The Red District. First lane, kene keja by 2 prostitutes. -.-' The faster I walk, the louder they call me. aahah. Then the second lane, 3 siooool... At least prostitutes.. ok ah not bad. BUT! On the way to my boxing school, kene panggil ngan BAPOK LA SIAAAAAAAAKKKKKKK.... ahahahhaa. funny ah. Step buat muker fierce, then jeling at him/her. ahahhahaha. That's on wednesdae.
For fridae, wanted to go to East Coast and play Lilliputt. Skali tak jadi. I don't blame you. It makes sense that he should scold u if u go out with me. ahahahha. Nvm. So, i went home straight. Maennn gaaaameee... Then malam, played soccer with abg and friends. Wahh, im sooo not good at soccer anymore. Wanted to kick the ball, got tackled by abg's friend. So i end up kicking his leg. But he still can relax. But my toe got injured. So I just continue playing like nothing happened. Must tahan that pain. Until now, still swollen. And abg still can tell me that im okae at soccer and why dont want to play for the past few years. And I fogot wad I told him. Then, that night, played Pro evolution Soccer at ps3. Challenge Yusof and Hasan online. ahaha. gereeeek. Ofcourse I lost, I dont play the soccer game much. But at least i get a couple of beautiful goals. 1 from cross when i counter attack and the other from corner. And both happened after my opponent scored 1. ahahah. That's it. Now, cannot play much. even tho i trade in my oblivion for X-men origins: Wolverine. Woohoo!!! Exams like around the corner. So must start studying.... Chiowzxzxzxzxz....
Md Ashraf Khan