Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Well, been a long time since I have updated my blog. So today I will. I went to a kelong in Malaysia last Saturday and came back home on Sunday. I was the champion of fishing for the day. haha. Well, basically because I alone caught near 4-6 fishes. Not that big and not that small too. Was the best fishing day I've had for the past fishing days I went. Hahaha. But I pity grand daddy. He tried from the time we reached, which is at 10 in the morning till night at 9.30pm. Got a huge bite but fishy got away. We had fun and joked around. Laughin madness. Hahah. Cik Bina gave a joke which I really like. I tell you guys.
When an airplane goes into the sea. Where does it comes out? There are four answers. Go figure.
So when I reached home, I started unpacking my bag. And packed my bag again. Cos I had a sleepover at my uncle's chalet. Was a fun day at the chalet. I earned $4 from treasure hunting. My uncle went go around not just the bungalow, but around the playground and other bungalow and hide a few pieces of $2 notes. There are altogether 7 notes of $2 and 1 note of $5.
And it's been 2 weeks since we have not seen each other? haha. Yes Im saying I miss you. And today is the mark of our first month dating each other. haha. Get it right suckas! Dating! Not a relationship! Not one month anniversary shit! Just pure dating for a month you gundu shit donkey ass bitchis.! I think that be it.
(P.S. The answer to that joke is, it will come out in the newspapers, comes out on tv, comes out on radio and on the internet. haha!)
Md Ashraf Khan
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Gerek per nari!!!! hahahha. Went to play a game of mini golf at East Coast. And she told to drop at the wrong bus stop. So we walked all the way from the East Coast resort to the place which took us around half an hour or so. And she kept on laughing at the way I walked. And she scare me once. Talk about crazy things. Did some crazy things. Being called cheekopek alot of times by her. I don;t know why. Then this crazy old man mintak kene pukol by me ( chey chey ) because we was walking along the bicycle path and the idiot told us it is dangerous to walk at that path because of the cyclist and he hopes his words didn't made us angry or what ever shit. And we were already reaching the place la that's why we walked along the bicycle track. Bloody barstard dog. And mini golf was super duper fruper kuper bazuper fun ah!! ahahha. Of course la we had to cheat at some parts. But who gives a shit. hehe. The funny thing is, only the both of us had trouble with the game. The ball will always get stuck somewhere in the machinery part. But other than tha, it's awesome ah. Especially when I could spend time with her sei. After that go makan. While eating at a 6 person table, 2 person asked whether they could join since there isnt any space and so I said why not. The people eating with the both of us were quite funny. haha. Which cooked sting ray isn't spicy at all? ahahhaha. The guy was super sweaty when he ate the sting ray. After that!!, I spent $38 on a taxi ride. ahahha. You don't ask why I spend so much or don't call me stupid. Cos its my money and I can use it on whatever I want. From East Coast, took the taxi to bukit gombak MRT station then back to my house. hahah. $38 AJER seii.. ahahhaha. k ah. Maybe wanna leminate a piece of card. XD ahahha. She'll know what card it could be. ahahhahaha k slamat ah people.
Md Ashraf Khan
Monday, January 5, 2009
First day of school. Was ok. Did some touring around the school, played a couple of games. But my toes hurt man. Cos I had to wear this shoe which I bought a few years back. Quite small. So I went to buy a new pair. Got it down from $170 to $120. haha. Good bargain eh. Saw my old pri school pal. Didn't know I was in the same school as Sayyid.
So after school, I went to Tampines to get my poppin shoe. ahaha. This is it man. Check it out below. Just took a couple of it.
The adidas ' Top Ten '

That'd be it for today. Gotta get to school by 9 am tomorrow. See ya'll around.
Md Ashraf Khan
Thursday, January 1, 2009
I guess I am happy now. Knowing what I saw on my handphone. Made me feel happy. Made me smile wide. It made me feel damn good. Just for that 2 minutes I felt great. Never had that feeling in months. And the words be confusing me and shit again. But that dont matter now. Cos' I know it wont happen. I know they dont stand a chance. They never will. I just have to play it right. The game don't be playing by themselves. Thats why they have the playas...
That'd be me.
The ONLY playa running the game.
I hope.
Md Ashraf Khan